meh SEISMOLOGIST, CHARGÉ DE RECHERCHE CNRS Observatoire Volcanologique du Piton de La Fournaise Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris E-mail: duputel [at] ipgp . fr ORCID: 0000-0002-8809-451X

RESEARCH INTERESTS My scientific research is primarily aimed at understanding volcanoes and faults. In my current projects, I combine seismological and geodetic measurements to inform models describing the Earth's response to various phenomena (earthquake ruptures, magma intrusions, resonating magma bodies, etc.). The methods I use include waveform modeling, Bayesian statistics, Monte Carlo methods and template matching techniques. NEWS May 2024 Our paper investigating the source parameters of earthquakes in the central Sumutran subduction zone is out in EPSL. Our findings reveal two trench-parallel seismicity belts surounding large earthquake rupture areas. These results indicate a downdip bending of the megathrust interface and the up-dip frictional boundary of the seismogenic zone at variable depths. The article is accessible through my Publication page. February 2024 Our latest study unveiling active crustal faulting beneath Piton des Neiges volcano (which has been dormant for 27,000 years) has been published in BSSA. See my Publication page. December 2023 Our paper on rapidly characterizing earthquake sources using early long-period elastic waves (W-phase) and prompt elastogravity signals (PEGS) is out in SRL. See my Publication page. November 2023 Our paper analyzing seismic tremors during 23 eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise between 2014 and 2021 is out in JVGR. The article is available in my Publication page. October 2023 Our paper investigating the complex source process of the 2015 Illapel earthquake (Mw=8.3) is out in GJI. The article is available in the Publication page. September 2023 Does aseismic slip before an impending earthquake necessarily correspond to the nucleation phase of a mainshock? Our recent study unveils a slow-slip event driving the 2017 Valparaiso sequence, from foreshocks to aftershocks. The article is available in Open Access from my Publication page. August 2023 Our paper reporting previously unnoticed Very-Long-Period (VLP) signals at Piton de la Fournaise volcano has been accepted for publication in EPSL. These signals are used to track changes in physical properties of the dike during eruptions, which could be useful to anticipate the end of eruptions with complicated time-evolution. See my Publication page. July 2023 ISTE vient de publier notre livre "Le cucle sismique: De l'observation à la modélisation" édité par Frédérique Rolandone. Ma contribution concerne un chapitre sur l'inversion du glissement disponible dans mes publications. December 2022 Our paper confirming our previous study suggesting the occurence of recurrent deep slow-slip events offshore Atacama (Chile) has been accepted for publication in PEPI. See my Publication page. Novembrer 2022 Our paper investigating the time-evolution of slip during the preparation phase of the 2014 Iquique earthquake in northern Chile (Mw=8.1) is out in EPSL. See my Publication page. October 2022 Our paper exploring the link between large earthquakes and magma transport at the onset of the Mayotte volcano-seismic crisis is now online at CR Geoscience. See my Publications. September 2022 ISTE just published our book "The Seismic Cycle From Observation to Modeling" edited by Frédérique Rolandone. I contributed to a chapter about fault slip inversion available in my Publications page. August 2022 Our study on the origin of persistent seismicity below the eastern flank of Piton de la Fournaise is now online at JVGR. See my Publications. July 2022 Congratulations to Dr. Emmanuel Caballero Leyva who successfully defended his PhD! Emmanuel will continue as a postdoc at ISTerre in Grenoble. March 2022 Our paper showing the importance of low-cost, citizen-based seismic sensors for the rapid response following an earthquake in Haiti is now online at Science. See my Publications page. February 2022 Our work on the along-dip segmentation of the chilean subduction in the Atacama region has beed accepted for publication in GRL. See Publications. September 2021 I have just moved to the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Observatory as a CNRS Researcher at IPGP. If you want to know more about seismicity at Piton de la Fournaise and Piton des Neiges volcanoes, you can have a look to our review just published in Compte Rendus Geosciences in my Publications page. July 2021 Our work on the interplay of seismic and aseismic deformation during the 2020 Atacama sequence (Chile) has been accepted for publication in EPSL. The article is available in my Publications page. March 2021 Can we distinguish foreshocks from ordinary seismic activity? Using a high-resolution catalog in Southern California, we find that only 10 out of 53 mainshocks are preceded by episodes of anomalously high seismic activity. Moreover, it is generally unclear whether these episodes have a causal relationship with the mainshocks or if they are simply coincidental: for only 3 out of these 10 instances, the coincidence appears very unlikely. See our Open Access article out in GRL available in my Publications page. February 2021 Our article on the initiation phase of the 2017 Mw=6.9 Valparaiso earthquake has been accepted at GRL. This earthquake was preceded by an intence foreshock activity and by transient deformations captured by GPS. We show that only half of the total preseismic GPS motion corresponds to foreshock-induced displacement. This result evidences aseismic preslip during an initiation phase preceding the mainshock. See Publications. November 2020 Our article on the dike intrusion leading to the 2018 Kilauea eruption has been accepted at EPSL. We detected and located more than 6000 earthquakes to track how the dike propagated in the Middle East Rift Zone. Our observations are consistent with a model of logarithmic dike growth from a depressurizing magma chamber. See Publications. September 2020 Our article on the impact of 3D Earth structure on W-phase CMT parameters has been accepted at GJI. Results suggest a significant impact on centroid locations while the effect on other source parameters remains relatively small. See Publications. April 2020 Our article on the relationship between the accumulation of stress before large earthquakes and the building of topography has been accepted at GRL. We propose to compare current vertical velocity field, predicted by a coupling model, to quaternary estimates of uplift to quantify how much uplift is left after several earthquake cycles in Northern Chile. See Publications. September 2019 Our paper on the 2007 Piton de la Fournaise caldera collapse has been accepted in EPSL. Source analysis indicates a piston-like source with the contraction of the magma reservoir and the collapse of the above rock column. Results also confirm that surface subsidence was preceded by VLP precursors. See Publications. June 2019 Congratulations to Dr. Catalina Morales who just defended her PhD! Catalina will continue as a postdoc researcher at the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción in Chile. May 2019 Our paper on the 2007 Piton de la Fournaise caldera collapse has been submitted. A preprint is available here on EarthArXiv. April 2019 Our Open Access paper on the 2017 Ezgeleh (Iran) earthquake has been accepted for publication in GRL. We use a Bayesian approach to characterize the source and highlight a very impulsive rupture. See Publications. December 2018 Our Open Access paper linking earthquake locations within Piton de la Fournaise to where the lava comes out has been accepted for publication in GRL. See Publications. November 2018 Our Open Access paper reporting the first observation of potentially recurrent deep SSEs in Chile has been accepted for publication in GRL. See Publications. September 2018 I have been awarded an ERC Starting Grant. The PRESEISMIC project will start in January 2019. Applications from potential graduate students and postdocs are welcome. Look out for available positions here. July 2018 Our paper on the stochastic analysis of the Mw7.8 Pedernales earthquake and strain budget along the Ecuador-Colombia subduction zone has been accepted for publication in EPSL. See Publications. March 2018 Congratulations to Dr. Baptiste Gombert who successfully defended his PhD! Baptiste will continue as a postdoc at the University of Oxford (UK) working on slow-slip events in Cascadia. See Baptiste webpage here.